
Bohemian Kiss

Bohemian: A Person Who Lives an Unconventional Life

Kiss: To Touch Gently or Lightly

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Monday, March 5, 2012

What is Extreme?

On the weekend, I was writing back and forth with a friend,who lives in Scotland,about Extreme Weather. 

I commented on my Status, that "I hate to look outside and see allthat snow but that I am grateful that we don’t get the extreme weather that other places do" (referencing the wind storms in Indiana & Kentucky…etc).

My friend said that to people who live in Scotland, ourwinters are ‘Extreme’.  It’s all a matter of what you are used to.  It’s all relevant. 

Still, I think we are pretty lucky… no Hurricanes,very few Tornadoes, little Flooding and our Earthquakes generally do little damage.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


It's Saturday evening, and I am tired!  We, in the investment business, saw the end of another 'RRSP Season'.  What that meant for me was a whole lot of overtime.  In the last two weeks I've put in about 2 hours of overtime, per day.